martes, 26 de junio de 2012


Hi, today I talk about my favourite web site.
My favourite web site is YouTube (, because I watch all my videos here.
This web site is very useful because I could watch all I wanted to do or know and I have a lot of entertainment here. I use this web site for 4 years. The principal function of this web site to me is for entertainment.
YouTube have many canals that is a profile of one person in that upload a lot of videos, the different canals are dedicated for a lot of thing, for example, exist canals of tutorials to play guitar or to play bass, canals to make origami, canals with many funny videos, canals dedicated to upload music, traducing music or canals dedicated to show videogames or canals of people that play video games too. With your count on YouTube you can marc the videos that you want to watch later or videos that you like or agree videos like favourite videos and you can comment the videos that you watched too.
I like it because I can watch any kind of video, educative, tutorials, funny, music videos, etc. I can use it for all I wanted. I use YouTube for 2 hours a day more or less, the videos in another web site I visit are in YouTube, that’s why I used for long time this. I like it very much and I don’t imagine internet without that.


Hi!! Today I talk about a country I would like to visit.

I would like to visit France, because is a beautiful country and I like their language, people and cities. France is much known for its cheeses and wines, I want to eat and drink that because I love cheese and wine, and I want to learn this language because I think that is very nice.
The thing I always dream to do in France is juggling in the Eiffel tower with my diabolo. I see that in a video and since that moment I want to do that, but at night with a diabolo with lights. I like to eat much rare food and go to many cities, see sculptures and meet many jugglers, France have a lot of jugglers.
I want to study in France, if I have the opportunity, because I want to know another thing that in my country I can’t know. Know other realities, meet a lot of new people and know things about their culture.
I know that one day I will go to France and my dream to juggling in the Eiffel tower come true.

jueves, 7 de junio de 2012

Dog breeds

Hi!! Today I talk about my favorite dog breeds.
I know a little about dog breeds, but I know some breed dogs. The information I have about breed dogs is that they have a lot of diseases like respiratory diseases, tumors, etc. I like dog breeds, but I don’t like the industry behind this dogs. I always prefer “quiltros”, because they are very grateful and intelligent.
I like a lot of dog breeds except the small dog breeds, because they are very dominant and hysteric. I like breeds like Greyhounds, Rottweiler, German shepherd, Golden, etc.
The breeds I choose are Siberian husky and Labrador retriever.
I like Huskies because they are beautiful, very similar to wolves and very intelligent. The problem with them is they are very escapist. I like an internet dog called Mishka, she is so lovely.
Labrador retrievers are playful, intelligent, beautiful and loving, I love them. They could use like assistance dogs or therapeutic dogs. Assistance dogs are dogs that help people with some disability like tetraplegia and therapeutic dogs are dogs that help kids with some disability, diseases or psychological problems like abused kids, autistic kids, kids in “telethon”, etc.
An aggrupation in Chile called Bocalán training Labrador retrievers to become assistance or therapeutic dogs.
I like to have a breed dog, but I love my “quiltro" J.